Qigong Workshop Vancouver Of What Qigong Can Do
Why did Onenergy organize this Qigong Workshop in Vancouver?
Usually, when people get sick or feel ill, the first thing they’ll think is: “Oh, I need to go to the doctor, or I need to take some medicine to help me get better.” They never imagine that they themselves could be their own doctor and that they could cure themselves from inside.
That is why we’ve chosen to have this Qigong workshop to help you understand that qigong is a very good option for their problems. In truth, Qigong’s healing effect has been proved for thousands of years and is still today in modern society.
Many people think of Qigong as a form of physical exercise performed by doing specific movements. And that is true if looked at from one angle. However, Qigong is so much more than simply an exercise. It is a verifiable life science that regulates all of our lives even though most of us don’t have a clue how it works! There exist many misperceptions, misunderstandings about Qigong just as there are still, as yet unfathomed truths and mysteries. What we DO know is that Qigong heals!
This Onenergy Qigong workshop for
- Who have chronic pain or discomfort in the head, neck, shoulders, back, lower back, etc; or
- Who often feel stressed, tired, sleepy, or low in energy; or
- Who are simply interested in learning the basics of Chinese qigong wisdom.
What you will learn from this Onenergy workshop:
✔ Spine Strengthening Method
✔ the foundation of Qigong theory and philosophy
✔ What you don’t know about Qigong
We held the workshop in two different locations on two different days. The January 12th (Sat) workshop was in Burnaby BC. The January 20th (Sun) workshop was in Vancouver BC.
We run Qigong workshops regularly. During and after the pandemic, we will less likely to run local qigong workshops. However, we will have regular online qigong events. We will cover many commonly asked questions in our webinars including how to deal with certain health issues using Qi Gong.
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