harness inner healing power

Harness Your Inner Healing Power: Join Our Live Moon Events

We believe in the power of natural healing through the ancient wisdom of Qigong. Under the guidance of our esteemed founder, Master Dai, we help individuals unlock their inner healing energy, promoting self-healthcare awareness, and steering them toward a life less dependent on pharmaceutical drugs.

Starting now, we have some exciting events lined up that you won’t want to miss.

As mentioned in the previous live event – the in-depth journey with a qigong master, we have planned a series of regular monthly live events. We’re excited to offer you a transformative experience: our live Full Moon and New Moon events.

Each event is carefully designed as a platform for individual growth and the cultivation of personal healing power. Under the guidance of Qigong practice, you’ll explore unique techniques to guide your focus inward, promoting enhanced self-care and wellness.

Moon Cycle – Harness Inner Healing

At the heart of these sessions is the powerful ‘seeding’ method. Imagine being able to plant seeds of intention within yourself, nourishing them to blossom in tune with the natural rhythms around us. These seeds can be thoughts, dreams, or health goals you aspire to cultivate.

Our Full Moon and New Moon live events provide an ideal environment for practicing this enriching technique. The lunar phases symbolize the cycles of growth and change, serving as reminders of our potential for transformation.

Join us for these illuminating live events. Together, we’ll embark on an inward journey of discovery, aligning with natural rhythms, sowing seeds of wellness, and nurturing our innate power of self-healing.

Note: This event is hosted on the Qigong App.

Are you ready to explore this transformative journey? Follow Master Dai’s guide to delve deeper into the power of ‘seeding.’ Don’t forget to secure your spot for the upcoming Full Moon and New Moon live events. Your path to enhanced wellness begins here.

Recap of full moon live on July 3rd:

YouTube video

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