Squid Game in real life

Squid Game In Real Life vs Life Game

If you have watched Netflix show Squid Game, besides those violence, fear and weakness in human, what did you see? Do you know that Squid Game is everywhere in your daily life which you were put to play just like what’s told in the show…

Life and death happens

Death Is Much Closer Than You Think

What do you think about death? Do you believe that one will die only when they are sick or weak? What death has anyting to do with health? What will be the best death? If you have those questions, keep reading.

Halloween horror and fear

Halloween: For The Dead Without Horror Or Fear

What do you associate Halloween with? Candies, costumes, haunted house, or horror movies. In this article we are going to talk about what you don’t know about Halloween and emotion of fear.

own your life

Do You Own Your Life Or Just Rent It

Do you own your life? What do you own: Your car, house, job, money, relationships, and your body? What if I tell you you can’t own any of them…

tell the truth in words

No One Can Tell You The Truth In Languages

Languges are beautiful tools for humans to communicate with each other. However, if you wish to hear or know the truth from books, videos, audios, or any language products, you are doomed to fail. Why?

qi is not free

Life Is Not Free, Qi Is Not Free, Nothing Is Free

Everyone likes free stuff, don’t they? When we think something is free, usually because we think it’s free of charge, or it doesn’t come with consequences. Is there anything free in the universe? Is Qi free?