Whole food plant based diet limits

Whole Food Plant Based Diet Has Limitations

Whole food plant based diet has limitations. How you can have whatever food you like and still be healthy and fit for life.

MCT oil scheme

Is MCT oil a nutritional supplement diet scheme?

Answer two questions: does MCT oil have nutritional benefits? Why do many people buy into that idea if MCT oil benefits are overpromising?

my secret of keeping fit

My secret of keeping fit for the past 28 years

I have kept 105 lb in weight for the past 28 years. I am not a vegetarian or vegan. I don’t do any gym fitness workouts.

financial rich not true wealth

What Does It Mean To Be Truly Wealthy

People often confuse that being rich is money rich and financial wealthy. What most people don’t know that being wealthy is more than just having tons of money and assets. It is our fundemental of being a piece of life. So, what the true wealth would look like?