know yourself be yourself

Know Yourself First Then Be Yourself

When you tell yourself to be yourself, are you aware of what are you referring to as yourself? Your identity, personality, preference, or else. If you want to be yourself, knowing yourself is the first step.

mind fasting

Mind Fasting Is What You Miss

You care so much about your body health by taking all possible healthy food and diet. But what about your mind health? Have you looked out what you’ve been taking into your mind every moment? If you can’t stop thinking which causes stress and anxiety, what you should do.

relax and be creative

Put Down Your Mind To Be Creative

If you want to be creative, you need to learn how to put your mind down, and relax. Thoughts are from the mind, however creative ideas are not from the mind.

train brain make money

Don’t Train Your Brain To Make More Money

Our human brains are a wonderful tool. It can help us with a lot of things in dealing with this physical world. But you got to make sure not to abuse your brain. As it could be very dangerous, not only to your health, relationship, and well-being, but something more subtle and deeper will be affected.

money stress

What You Don’t Know About Money Stress

Money stress can be tough and not easy to manage. Money stress also comes from different types of stress whether you are in shortage of money or maintaining the overwhelming amount of it. In this article, we will be discussing why money stresses you.

money mindset program

How You Are Programmed Of Money Mindset

Where do your thoughts came from? Not from the brain but from the reactions of our body to our surroundings. Same thing as for our money thoughts, it was basically molded from from our environment’s teachings and doings.