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Yin And Yang, Death And Life
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
Life and death are like Yang and Yin. They come together, although they are opposed to each other, they can not exist without each other.
Yin Yang Dynamic Balance
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
When Yin rises, Yang depletes. Then Yang rises, and Yin starts to deplete to reach a new balance.
Sunrise And Sunset When Energy Transitions
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
When the sun rises and sets, the energy transitions dramatically. Therefore all lives will respond to that transition, humans included.
The Formula of Manifestation
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
Dao evolves into “One,” “One” evolves into “Two,” “Two” evolves into “Three,” and from “Three,” everything in the universe is created.
No Disease Is Incurable
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
There is no such incurable disease. If there’s a way to get it, there must be a way to get rid of it.
Qigong treatment vs Western medical treatment
Reading Time: < 1 minutes