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Abundant Qi Inside and Outside
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
If you have abundant qi inside and can connect with qi outside, your health and well-being will never be a problem.
Qigong treatment vs Western medical treatment
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
Unconscious Programming
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
All your health problems, physical and mental, are the symptoms of a distorted system programmed by you and your environment unconsciously.
No Disease Is Incurable
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
There is no such incurable disease. If there’s a way to get it, there must be a way to get rid of it.
Everything Is Energy
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
In this universe, everything is energy. And any energy and matter can transform into other energy and matter.
Less Is Not Simple
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
People mistakenly think that being simple means being less.