Onenergy is pronounced as [One-Nergy], which refers to the source of creation. Everything and every life come from this one source. Onenergy Qigong is to help you to realize that you are more than this body and mind. Download Onenergy APP to learn and practice Qigong, meditation, and more. Available at Apple APP Store and Google Play Store.
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Yin Yang Ebb And Flow
Ebb and flow dynamics are the vibrations of Yin and Yang, which create everything in the universe.
What Is Onenergy
Onenergy refers to the one energy that formed the universe from the beginning. It is the primitive qi before Yin and Yang were formed.
Yin Yang Dynamic Balance
When Yin rises, Yang depletes. Then Yang rises, and Yin starts to deplete to reach a new balance.
Sunrise And Sunset When Energy Transitions
When the sun rises and sets, the energy transitions dramatically. Therefore all lives will respond to that transition, humans included.
Modern Scientific Qigong
Modern scientific qigong are easy to learn, practice and more effective. Millions of people have benefited from it since 1980’s.