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Unconscious Programming
All your health problems, physical and mental, are the symptoms of a distorted system programmed by you and your environment unconsciously.
Understand How Pain Happens
Pain indicates that something in your system has a blockage that qi and blood can not pass through.
Abundant Qi Inside and Outside
If you have abundant qi inside and can connect with qi outside, your health and well-being will never be a problem.
The Formula of Manifestation
Dao evolves into “One,” “One” evolves into “Two,” “Two” evolves into “Three,” and from “Three,” everything in the universe is created.
Purify And Harmonize Your System
Qigong practice creates a qi field that can purify your system. When everything in your system is synced and harmonized, diseases simply cannot exist.
Sunrise And Sunset When Energy Transitions
When the sun rises and sets, the energy transitions dramatically. Therefore all lives will respond to that transition, humans included.