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Build Your Willpower
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
Qigong practice can wear off your body and mind’s resistance and build your willpower.
The Law of Creation
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
“Dao” indicates the universal law that holds all the possibilities and rules of how everything could happen in this universe.
Yin Yang Ebb And Flow
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
Ebb and flow dynamics are the vibrations of Yin and Yang, which create everything in the universe.
Less Is Not Simple
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
People mistakenly think that being simple means being less.
Modern Scientific Qigong
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
Modern scientific qigong are easy to learn, practice and more effective. Millions of people have benefited from it since 1980’s.
Unconscious Programming
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
All your health problems, physical and mental, are the symptoms of a distorted system programmed by you and your environment unconsciously.