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Abundant Qi Inside and Outside
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
If you have abundant qi inside and can connect with qi outside, your health and well-being will never be a problem.
Qigong treatment vs Western medical treatment
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
Yin Yang Ebb And Flow
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
Ebb and flow dynamics are the vibrations of Yin and Yang, which create everything in the universe.
Less Is Not Simple
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
People mistakenly think that being simple means being less.
Yin Yang Dynamic Balance
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
When Yin rises, Yang depletes. Then Yang rises, and Yin starts to deplete to reach a new balance.
Sunrise And Sunset When Energy Transitions
Reading Time: < 1 minutes
When the sun rises and sets, the energy transitions dramatically. Therefore all lives will respond to that transition, humans included.