Live A Whole You TM qigong retreat is to explore Qigong essence and experience what’s beyond body and mind; to taste the truth in you; to touch the ultimate level of healing on all dimensions.

Inspired by grandmaster Pang Ming and his book- The Heart Philosophy, we started the qigong retreat of Live A Whole You in 2018.

Live A Whole You qigong retreat

Why We Name It Live A Whole You TM

We often refer to the human body and mind when discussing human beings. Have you ever wondered if we still existed without the body and the mind? Without our body and mind, what we are. If you also have those questions, this retreat is for you.

If you only work on body and mind, you might develop some well-being here and there. But if you lived only in the body and mind and are unaware of any other dimension of your existence, sufferings are endless. 

You see, a lot of people choose to meditate and practice for the sake of love and peace. They might find love and peace during meditation or practice. But when they do not meditate or practice, they could suffer physically, mentally, or emotionally in any given situation. Because they only live in their body and mind.

Unless you experience what your true nature of existence is, meditation or practice is just another hobby, another solace, and another decoration. They will not make any real impact on your life. In other words, you will never live as a complete human being. Before you “disappear” from this world, don’t you want to know the truth about yourself?

That’s why we name this Onenergy retreat, Live A Whole You TM.

Live A Whole YouTM Qigong Retreat FAQ

Question: Are you going to teach some Qigong form or theory?

Answer: Live A Whole YouTM retreat is not going to be like any other Qigong retreat you have been to. We are not going to teach any Qigong form or theory. Because what we teach is not about your body or mind. Our Qi Dragon program is for your body and mind.

Question: Are you going to teach us something new?

Answer: It is not about teaching something new. Because in this cosmos, nothing is new and nothing new to teach about. The essential truth of everything is already there in this universe. You just need to “adjust your antenna” to be able to receive and download them to your hardware – your body, and to your software – your mind.

Question: What are we going to do?

Answer: All we are going to do is, firstly, to break down your walls – your defending system, which you build over your life span, through all kinds of learning and influences, knowingly and unknowingly. We would crack you open so that you could start to experience what’s beyond body and mind. Something you might not know its existence before. But that is not hidden from you; it is always there.

Question: Is this Qigong retreat about true self?

Answer: No. If you still think of “self”, no matter whether it’s your small self, big self, or even your true self, you could hardly touch the essence of your true nature of existence. The true existence has no self at all.

Question: What is this Qigong retreat about?

Answer: It is about the true nature of our existence, and what we really are as life.  You can call it Dao/Tao, God, Shiva, or true heart, which is in the background of all existences. It is not about religion. But through this, you will form a new perspective about any religion in this world. Read about what participants’ feedback about the last qigong retreat.

You can check this post for the video interview before qigong retreat in Mexico.

Question: When will the next Qigong retreat be?

Answer: Subscribe to our newsletter below to be notified when the next Qigong retreat starts. Meanwhile, if you are new to qigong, make sure to read our ultimate guide for qigong beginners. Learn about our best qigong app and download Qigong App to start daily qigong practice.

Hun Yuan Ling Tong!