Yin Yang Ebb And Flow
Ebb and flow dynamics are the vibrations of Yin and Yang, which create everything in the universe.
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Ebb and flow dynamics are the vibrations of Yin and Yang, which create everything in the universe.
Modern scientific qigong are easy to learn, practice and more effective. Millions of people have benefited from it since 1980’s.
When Yin rises, Yang depletes. Then Yang rises, and Yin starts to deplete to reach a new balance.
“Dao” indicates the universal law that holds all the possibilities and rules of how everything could happen in this universe.
Dao evolves into “One,” “One” evolves into “Two,” “Two” evolves into “Three,” and from “Three,” everything in the universe is created.
In this universe, everything is energy. And any energy and matter can transform into other energy and matter.